The Foundations School: Memories Of Our First Year

It’s hard to believe that our first full year at The Foundations School is finally coming to an end. On May 26th, our students will go home for the summer, taking with them memories of creativity, exploration, and growth in the classroom. 

At The Foundations School, our mission has always been to transform teaching and learning through creativity and the arts.  And we’ve had creative projects big and small throughout the year. For Halloween, our students did a costume parade, where they chose a vocabulary word and designed a costume to showcase it. This Spring, students told stories through shadow puppet shows, created self-portraits in the style of Bisa Butler, and even performed a short play at CCE’s annual fundraiser. 

One of our major goals at The Foundations School is to improve literacy in our community. Only 54% of third grade students in Palm Beach County are reading on or above grade level. In the areas we serve, that number is closer to 27%. Third grade is an important milestone for reading; after third grade, students begin reading to learn instead of learning to read. Being behind in reading after third grade means students are at risk of falling behind in other subjects. 

Our students showed remarkable growth in their reading development this year. For example, second grader Jaceon started the school year approaching grade level reading. He wasn’t quite on level yet, but he was close. Now, as he prepares to enter third grade next year, he is reading above grade level. He’s definitely ready for next year! 

We’re so proud of all our students at The Foundations School. It has been a joy to watch them learn and grow as scholars and as people this year. We look forward to seeing many of them again next year.