Located in West Palm Beach, the Center for Creative Education serves students, teachers, and families by transforming educational environments through creativity and the arts.
Quick Facts: The Foundations School at Center for Creative Education
Students who increased their reading proficiency.
33409 | 33407 33404 | 33401
Student Service Areas
Students receiving some form of tuition assistance.
Maximum class size is 15 students resulting in a 4.5:1 Student:Teacher ratio.
As The Foundations School families are asked to pay only as they can afford, tuition accounts for a very small percentage of the School’s operating revenue. All other funding comes from generous individuals, foundations and corporations.
In The News: CBS12's Matt Lincoln Visits The Foundations School
"These kinds of programs are extremely helpful and necessary for our children."
Classroom Teacher, The Foundations School
“WOW!!! Amazing results!" "...relaxed environment, the arts integration, and how that connects the content."
"To have an in-person option was extremely helpful and productive. ...he (my child) was able to get back on track. Thank you CCE for providing this experience for my child, we are eternally grateful."
Classroom Teacher, The Foundations School
“I saw more interaction, small groups, more talk, positive relationships, and fun times." "...played a role in increased reading levels.”
"My child attended 3 schools before, CCE is the only one that he constantly reminded us to pick him up later. He wanted to be the last one from CCE to be picked up!"
Classroom Teacher, The Foundations School
"Arts really helped students create their own learning.”