What We’re Thankful For

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is finally here. While Thanksgiving is a holiday that brings families and loved ones across the country together for a good meal and a good time, it’s also a time for reflection. And as those of us at CCE reflect on the challenges and successes of this year, we know that we have a lot to be thankful for.  

First, we are extremely thankful for our students. In January, we opened The Foundations School—an independent K-3 school that integrates arts into academic lessons. The children who have come through our doors constantly remind us why we do what we do: their infectious smiles and love of learning is a great reward. We are grateful to have welcomed these students and their families into our community and to have been welcomed into theirs in return. 

But none of that would be possible without our generous supporters. We are grateful to every person who has supported us in some way, especially in a year like this where times have been tough. Thanks to you, students are getting a chance to experience the arts and build their learning foundation. Your investment has made a difference in the lives of our students at The Foundations School and children across Palm Beach County who benefit from our afterschool services. 

Finally, we are thankful for all the opportunities waiting on the horizon. In November, we broke ground on a new location in West Palm Beach that will allow us to expand our student and community services. In addition to growing The Foundations School, we will open a theater, art gallery, media lab, and more that will be accessible for public events and lessons. We have a lot on our plate, but we are grateful for the chance to make a difference in this community. 

So, thank you. Whatever your role is in our journey, we’re glad that you’re here. We hope that you and yours have a very happy Thanksgiving.