Transforming Learning: We Treat Teachers As Professionals
At The Foundations School, our goal of transforming teaching and learning impacts not only our students, but our teachers as well. As one CCE staff member said, “Teachers are used to being a day behind, and of course, a dollar short.” In other settings, the professional knowledge of teachers isn’t always valued, and they often aren’t given an environment where they can be successful. We want to change that and treat teachers as professionals.
At The Foundations School, we keep our class sizes small, so that teachers can meet each student’s needs instead of being overwhelmed by a packed classroom. We give teachers the classroom resources they need to succeed, including access to state-of-the-art technology that expands opportunities for learning. In our end-of-the-year survey, 100% of educational staff strongly agreed that administration clearly communicate a shared vision of high achievement for students, teachers, and assistant teachers. They also all agreed that administration regularly collaborates with them about curriculum.
“Working at The Foundation School has been an excellent and extraordinary experience that has helped me grow as a professional and person,” one teacher said. “It allows me to open my mind to learn new techniques to support students to succeed at school and in life.”
Of course, The Foundations School continues to evolve to meet the needs of our students and teachers, especially as our student population grows and more teachers join our team. There is always room for improvement, but we’re proud to work with excellent teachers and provide them with an environment where they can thrive. We will always respect our teachers as professionals.