International Partnerships

International connections can be incredibly impactful. For our students at The Foundations School, it’s interesting to learn about the differences between them and people on the other side of the world—the differences in what we eat, what we wear. But building these relationships also shows our students how similar we all are, regardless of the distance between us. 

Last year, students at The Foundations School connected with children at Saint Bachanpuri International School in Punjab, India and SD Aisyiyah Kota Malang in East Java, Indonesia. Our third grade students did many activities with their Indian counterparts, such as giving them a video tour of the school. Our second grade students learned about the similarities and differences between manatees and dugongs, a manatee relative found in Indonesia. The students created dioramas that showed each of the creatures in their natural habitats. 

This year, our students are once again building relationships on an international scale. Our fourth grade students are continuing their relationship with the students at Saint Bachanpuri International School in India. On their first call, the students were excited to learn that children in India eat Kit Kats, just like students in America. Soon, our third grade class will be connecting with students at CEIP San Miguel in Mora de Rubielos, Spain. 

We love having the opportunity to connect with students around the world. These conversations and activities build on many of CCE’s core values, such as using digital technology in a meaningful way and building our students’ social-emotional learning skills. We look forward to seeing the projects that our students create this year as they continue to learn more about the world around them, and as a result, deepen their understanding of themselves. 

Keep an eye on our blog and social media accounts for more updates on this exciting project. 


  1. Celine Adrian on September 25, 2022 at 9:15 am

    Thank you for keeping us updated about this great initiative. To have a wider understanding of the world and the realization that we really are all the same human family is very important.